If you are thinking about moving, or have moved to Greece, you might be taken aback with a startling fact: Greece kind of takes the annual Eurovision contest seriously!
Coming from the UK, I’ve always considered it to be… well, I can’t quite find the words :D
That said, the Greek entrant this year did respectfully well, coming in at 11th place. You can check out the song here.
And now for something completely different…, it was recently announced that there is a new law regarding taking electric and hybrid cars on to ferries in Greece.
Apparently, cars should only be charged to 40%. Quite how this will be checked before boarding remains a mystery. If you’ve ever boarded a Greek ferry in a car, you’ll know where the definition of organised chaos comes from, particularly in the busy summer months!
By the way, if you ever want to book ferry tickets in Greece, Ferryhopper and Ferryscanner save you the trouble of visiting each ferry website individually by bringing all the schedules into one place.
Finally, there’s a lot of great threads in the Expats in Greece facebook group this week. A more unusual one, was to do with organizing a wedding in Greece. I honestly didn’t know there were so many wedding planners/organizers in the country - all of whom seem to have responded to the post!
If you are planning on getting married in Greece, it might be a good thread to read.
And that’s it for this week,